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Sophia Loren





Documento Film, 1954.  Directed by Alessandro Blasetti.  Camera:  Aldo Giordani.  With Vittorio De Sica, Sophia Loren, Marcello Mastroianni, Mauro Sacripanti, MIchael Simone, Margherita Bagni, Wanda Benedetti, Maria Britneva, Manlio Busoni, Giulio Cali, Pietro Carloni, Memmo Carotenuto, Marga Cella, Pasquale Cennamo, Nino Dal Fabbro, Giacomo Furia.

One of the last century's great life forces Sophia Loren is on fine display in this entertaining piece of screwball Italiano as she teams up with Marcello Mastroianni for the first of fifteen pairings. Loren is Lina Stroppiani who along with her father (Vittorio De Sica) are professional thieves.  With two male accomplices Lina attempts to steal Paolo's (Mastroianni) taxi but instead of taking her to the police he grudgingly and through much frustration falls for her.

Too Bad's thin and inane plot is brusquely carried along by the energetic, suave and sexy style of its cast.  Loren's face, breasts and hips seduce the camera and dominate the scenery as she understandably flusters the comic Marcello.  Loren's presence negates anyone stealing the film from her but De Sica as her father shrewdly manipulates with a suave charm, especially in one of the film's final scenes where he all but takes over a police station.

Over a half a century later "Too Bad She's Bad" retains its comic energy and entertainment value much in part to the ideal melding of opera and screwball and the earthy blinding presence of the stunning Ms. Loren strolling the sidewalks of Rome.

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